Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Mark - [Practicum Post: 4]

Alright, heres a couple of questions to keep in mind while we're presenting today!

1. Does the steep leaning curve involved in these types of games deter certain people from participating?
2. Do you believe that people's avatars are an accurate representation of the population that plays (in terms of male vs. female) or do you believe a large portion of it involves identity tourism?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I definitely think the steep learning curve involved in MMORPGs deters people from participating. I feel like these types of games are hard to learn as well as hard to master. The free trial that you talked about gives people a way to test it out before buying anything, which seems necessary to have to get people interested.

    In regards to your second question, I think people's avatars are more of an accurate representation on WoW than they would be on other games like Second Life, because it isn't as much about creating an identity for yourself. I haven't played WoW but I don't think you can create an avatar that looks like yourself or anything like a human at all. Also, if you plan on using the voice chat feature, it may be pretty obvious that you are taking on a new identity, and other users may have something to say about it.
