Monday, September 20, 2010

History of the Internet

I think it goes without saying that we've come a long way since 1957. I can't imagine what life would be like if I still had a slow dial-up connection, much less a computer that could only handle one task at a time. The video did a great job of summing up exactly what we talked about in lecture and really put into perspective the idea that the journey to modern day internet was really a process of building on failed/limiting ideas. It wasn't as if someone had a vision of what the internet would be today and all of a sudden created it. Also, the doc brought to the foreground the often forgotten social context of the time period that made possible the developments in the internet. It was interesting to see how the threat of nuclear attack actually pushed the envelope for how computers were networked. All in all, the information given really simplified the rags to riches story of the internet. It really makes me wonder what someone from 50 years ago would think if they were able to see all that we have today.

The addition of animation was helpful and appropriate. Instead of distracting from the idea at hand like animation can do at times, it actually assisted and clarified any confusion that may have been established from the voice over. And of course, as if I could forget the man delivering the information, the british voice over guy. He's got the british accent, and therefore is awesome. Nuff said! In fact, he was so good, maybe he should just replace Liz? lol, jk!

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