Thursday, September 30, 2010

Media Fandom Post 1 - Jessie Vandenhouten

So, my topic this semester is Media Fandom and since I consider myself a reality television junkie - I've decided that I would discuss reality television shows. I've never really been one to write on discussion boards or forums about shows that I watch, but I have occasionally read what others have to say about particular shows.

I found a pretty cool discussion board at a site called "Television Without Pity" (and coincidentally it's powered by Bravo, my favorite cable network). I created a log-in name (jessievan - super creative) and even had to be approved by the Admins before I could start discussing. Apparently there are all these sorts of rules and guidelines to follow, who knew?! The Admins don't want the discussions to turn into just a bunch of "flaming" and even act as moderators to make sure the posters to the boards stay on subject. I'll be discussing shows within the Candid Reality Shows discussion boards, which is precisely my area of expertise (specifically The Real Housewives Series on Bravo).

From what I can tell you so far, these people are CRRAAZZZYY - they eat, sleep, and breathe Real Housewives. It is taking me a little bit to catch on to the "lingo" and what other users usually post about. Other than my first post, which sparked zero discussion, I have learned what others like to read and have been more successful.

If you want to follow along, you can view my profile at: jessievan and my posts at: My Super Insightful Commentary If you have trouble viewing, it's probably because you aren't a member so I'll be posting some screen shots along the way too! Just kidding, I can't attach the screen shots as files (only as pictures) and they are waayyy too small to read.

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