Monday, September 20, 2010

Post #2: Internet Video Reaction

The Internet plays an integral role in nearly every aspect of my life, and in the lives of everyone I know. Yet most people know nothing about the history, foundations, and mechanisms of the World Wide Web. And although this YouTube video clearly outlines the origins of the Internet and the various technological innovations that led up to its inception, I feel like I have heard so many different versions of the story of the Internet's history. The interconnected network that has come to be known as the World Wide Web was originally a chaotic, unregulated, and totally new piece of technology that was left in the hands of anyone willing to tackle it. In Janet Abbate's piece, she talks about the fact that the way the Internet looks today is a direct result of individual people utilizing the tools it had to offer, rather than the work of one group of scientists (like most other technological innovations). The Internet was and is such an open-ended, unique piece of technology, and this video helped me to better conceptualize its innermost parts and functions. However, I would definitely need to watch it more than once to fully grasp all of the concepts raised in the video.

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