Monday, October 18, 2010

Googling Myself

I have definitely googled myself before and lets be honest, who hasn't? The last time I googled myself must have been before I became involved in social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. The first thing that actually came up was my blogger profile which links to this blog.

The second thing that came up was my Twitter homepage which is private but you can still see my profile picture and background. I found this interesting because I specifically made my Twitter username not my real full name so that I could not be easily found. Now that I realize my Twitter is going to come up even if I don't use my real name as my Twitter name I may as well change my Twitter name.

The next thing that came up was an article that talked about a summer program I did in high school. The article is promoting the company that I used to go on my summer program. In the article they say "Cara Siskind, who traveled to Bologna, Italy with Abbey Road in 2006, returned to her high school in the fall to find that her Italian skills had improved enough to move up two course levels. " I literally laughed out loud when I read this because its false and I have no idea how this author got my name. While I did travel to Bologna, Italy I had never taken Italian before and I started beginners Italian when I returned. The same quote actually appeared twice more, on the first google search page alone, on other websites that had the same article. This article also quotes me, “I took Italian 2 in 2006, and because of my studying during the summer with Abbey Road, I skipped up to Italian 4,” Siskind said. “My teacher even took me aside after I handed in my first assignment to tell me I had impressed him and that I had the best work of my class.” The fact that this is completely false is annoying and I am now left wondering how this happened.

In all my google search made me realize that people can use your name without your knowledge but if a false quote about my experiences with Italian in high school is the worst that comes up on my google search I can be okay with that.

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