Monday, December 6, 2010

Tracking Computerized Usage

I never realized how much of my life is consumed by using different computerized objects. If I'm not on my laptop, then I'm probably on my cell, and if I'm not on my phone, then I am using my iPod. Literally, I go from one object to the next.

Today while I was keeping tabs of the different things that I use, I noticed that even though I didn't bring my laptop to my first two classes this morning, I was using my Droid the entire time and checking different apps: Facebook, Twitter, Tweetdeck, and Gmail. For the one class that I brought my laptop to today, I alternated between taking notes, checking the usual social networking sites, and checking my email. I am seriously always multitasking, and today has made me realize that.I went to work out today at the shell, and even though I knew no one would call or text me, I had to keep my phone next to me at all times. Seriously, it is pathetic when I look at how much I rely on technology.

Tonight, while working on a presentation for tomorrow, I couldn't go more than 10 minutes of working on my Powerpoint without checking out different websites or my Facebook. I couldn't even write this entire blog post without opening 3 more tabs to check celebrity gossip sites and Twitter.

This blog has made me realize how much more time I could have if I wasn't always using a computerized object, and that makes me kind of sad. I'm either on my phone or my laptop from morning (when I use my phone as my alarm clock) until night.

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