Monday, December 6, 2010

Blog #7- Tracking Computerized Usage

I tracked everything computer-related I interacted with in a given morning and afternoon. I didn't interact with anything from the time I woke up (9 AM) until my second class of the day (lab from 12-2 PM). At 12:30 PM, we had open FCP editing for my CA 355 lab for a documentary project we are working on. I burned my finished project to a DVD using a Mac computer suite in the Com Arts Instructional Media Center and then turned my final project into the drop box folder. This took about 30 min. total. When I got home around 1:30 PM, I uploaded the DVD of my documentary to Facebook and YouTube. While I was waiting for it to upload, I checked my Wisc email account, did the reading for CA 346 Wednesday's class on Learn@UW and checked my Twitter account. I did this from 1:30 PM-3:30 PM. At 3:30 PM, I left for class with my computer running because the videos were still uploading.

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