Monday, December 6, 2010

Tracking Computer Usage

I tracked my computer usage one night this weekend while I was studying and here is what I found...I started out on my computer checking my email on both my wisc account and my other email account. I responded to several emails for work and for some of my classes. Next, I signed on to Facebook and looked around for about thirty minutes or so, followed by another half hour on Twitter which led me to read some articles online. After all of this I went to MyFinanceLab which is the online site for my Finance 300 course and I spent over an hour on this site completing my homework and quizzes for the week. Next, I checked on the online scheduling site for my job at the Serf to see if anyone had picked up my sub shift for this week at work. I then spent about an hour doing some Christmas shopping online and ordering gifts. Finally, I watched an episode of tv from Hulu before shutting down my computer for the night.

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