Sunday, October 3, 2010


My topic for the practicum assignment is support groups. While researching different topics and websites I began to feel like an outsider. Many of the websites are designed for the sole purpose of support with live chat rooms. As someone who didn't need the support I couldn't really participate in the chats. In the future I may return to the sites to read the comments made in the chat room but for now I feel that by me reading these people's personal thoughts and feelings and then writing about them is an invasion of privacy.
Finally I found a website that I felt comfortable exploring. Something Fishy is a support website designed around the topic of eating disorders. The site is dedicated to raising awareness and providing support to people with eating disorders and their loved ones. What intrigues me most about this website is the "in loving memory candle" under the memorial tab. Anyone can dedicate a candle to a man or woman who lost their life to an eating disorder. The quote on the top of the page reads "Each candle is a lighted face, A soul, a time, a life, a place, Remember each, their smiles and grace, Each one who suffered... each different case. All in common one thing they share, Their names left here to make aware, No longer feeling hidden pain, Their death in peace..." Under each candle is the name of the person and once you click on the name a short description of the person comes up. To date there are 611 candles lit.

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