Monday, November 8, 2010

Hulu and YouTube

Anytime I am trying to procrastinate, looking for something interesting to do besides write my paper or study for my exam, aside from, I head to Hulu or Youtube. I could get lost on YouTube for hours, I actually do. One night my roommate and I were watching a TV show and a clip of a Britney Spears song came on, immediately after we watched "Slave for You" in its entirety as well as every other song that came out of the 90s...Nsync, Backstreet Boys, even Hanson. Hours went by. So I wasn't surprised when over 15 minutes went by during my YouTube surfing while doing this assignment.

Ironically, my friend posted a YouTube video on my Facebook wall called, "The Bartender Hates You," because I had been telling her about my frustrating Saturday night bartending ((with daylight savings and all..oh my goodness!)) Anyway, there are like 13 other clips that deal with the slogan "The Bartender Hates You." It's hilarious. So it wasn't much of a chore doing this blog about YouTube because I was on it today and go on it everyday anyway.

I also voluntarily visited Hulu this week multiple times, usually to catch up on a show. If I have a random 30 minutes, I usually watch a "Modern Family" episode and when I actually have time to spare, I catch up on my other shows that are on ABC, FOX, NBC or CBS. I can't watch Dexter's a Showtime series. (Sidereel has it for anybody that's wondering.) Today I caught up on "Grey's Anatomy."

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