Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog #7 Tracking

I tracked my computer usage this afternoon.

I checked my facebook and tweeted using my phone when I woke up, and I'm not sure if I should consider them a part of my "computer" usage.
On my computer:
I checked my email first, I spent around an hour reading emails, replying emails, and writing new emails.
Then I spent the next 2 hours doing work for AIESEC-the student organization I'm involved in. So this part including creating documents, searching information on our website, gchatting with my boss and teammates, writing more emails and etc.
Then I opened both facebook and twitter again, and spend around 30 mins looking at links and other stuffs on both sites.
I then got bored, and moved to my living room with my computer as I turned on TV. There really isn't that much on Sunday afternoon basic cable. So I started looking at news on
After that I replied/wrote more emails.

So to summarize, email is probably the place I spent most time everyday. Mainly because I have to deal with the daily operations of my organization. The rest of the time is probably equally distributed to facebook, twitter, cnn, and Seems pretty boring too.

And when I started thinking about, I probably spent around 6-8 hours a day on internet. That's kind of scary.

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